Sunday, July 22, 2007

Stalled (AKA "Coasting")

On our way to church this morning, as we're driving 65 mph on the interstate, the engine stalls forcing us to slowly move off the road and onto the berm. For obvious reasons this caused me some anxiety although Craig casually referred to the malfunction as "coasting". After switching back over to the diesel tank he restarted the vehicle and we were on our way. When we reached the residential streets of Clifton, Craig tried the grease tank again without any problems and the car drove perfectly for the remainder of the day. Apparently there was an air bubble or two in the line (probably occurred when switching out fuel filters) which caused the initial "coasting" but it seems to have resolved itself and we're back to driving on free fuel.

Tonight I ordered two fuel filters from Greasecar so we'll be prepared the next time they need replacing.

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