Wednesday, September 12, 2007

We're Famous

Today is the day our article is being published in the Louisville Courier Journal. This morning as I'm rushing around the house, discombobulated and behind schedule as usual, it occurs to me that I should stop what I'm doing and search our driveway for the latest edition of the paper. I'm still a few months away from a second Lasik procedure so my vision is less than optimal, but I locate a plastic newspaper bag filled with paper outside our house. Craig (poor guy) is still enjoying some slumber until I jump on the bed in an effort to share my enthusiasm and empty the plastic bag's contents onto the comforter. All too quickly it becomes apparent that what I've brought into the home is not a newspaper but a rather large collection of store circulars which cover our bed. Now I'm really late for work in addition to being supremely disappointed. Fortunately, Craig is a great guy - not to mention a pleasant morning person - and he quickly runs to the local convenience store where he purchases all of their available newspapers. Unfortunately, the Courier-Journal hasn't placed our article on their website yet but my completely biased opinion is that we make a really cute couple.

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