Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Selling The BMW

Craig previously took a flier with photos of the BMW over to Mike Johns (our favorite mechanic) who promised to pass along the information to any interested buyers. The first prospective customer came over this evening to look at the car. For starters the BMW is 20 years old so there are a few imperfections namely it doesn't have air conditioning, the driver's window occasionally sticks and it leaks oil, albeit at a somewhat slow rate. Nevertheless, it runs consistently and we weren't asking for much so there was some hope for a successful transaction. The gentleman appeared genuinely interested - for whatever reason he is determined to own this specific model BMW. After looking at the engine he requested permission to take the beemer on a test drive and then attempted to close the car's hood. For the first time ever during our ownership, the hood refused to close. Multiple attempts were made. WD-40 was applied. Embarrassment ensued. After 20-30 minutes (they guy was persistent) the hood finally complied allowing the gentleman and his patient spouse to drive around the subdivision. Afterwards as they prepare to leave he says he'll call us later.....color me skeptical.

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